Tag: linux


Below are some simple commands that work for ImageMagick 7 and later. I haven’t tested them to work on the older ImageMagick 6 which surprisingly is still being supported and the default installed version for many Linux distros. Batch Compressing Images Batch Convert Optimizing PNG Images


Windows Chocolatey As of this writing, Chocolatey doesn’t have a build-in cache cleaner so the best way is to install the unofficial Choco Cleaner which creates a Windows Scheduled Task to run Choco-Cleaner.ps1 every Sunday at 11:00 PM. macOS Homebrew Linux Flatpak Linux Snap Ubuntu APT Arch/Manjaro Pacman


GNOME is included as the default or as a installable desktop environment for most of the popular Linux distros out there such as Fedora, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Arch, Manjaro, and more, but I find it lacks expected basic functionality and polish for users accustomed to Windows and macOS. One can argue that GNOME is trying […]

Samba Sharing
Samba Sharing

It’s not that often I need to create Samba shared directories on my Linux machines, but making public shared directories that don’t require a user login/password is less straightforward that it should be in my opinion   The overall purpose of this post is to make my future interactions with Samba significantly less painful. General […]


Since I am somewhat of a diehard fan of the Final Fantasy series, especially games related to 7, I wanted to test how well Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion worked out-of-the-box on Arch Linux with a non-LTS kernel installed and possibly lots of unstable packages; to my amusement, I didn’t encounter any speed bumps […]


UPDATED 2023/03/31   My list of packages to install for Arch Linux after freshly installing the OS since it’s extremely bare .   General base-devel git filelight tree reflector vim filezilla wine wine-mono obs-studio steam htop python python-pip bluez vlc handbrake veracrypt noto-fonts-cjk (East Asian Fonts) gparted xampp remmina yay (AUR) visual-studio-code-bin (AUR) ttf-ms-fonts (AUR) […]


So I recently bought Halo Infinite on Steam through a Black Friday Sale and for the heck of it, decided to try to run the game on few different Linux Distros with a PS5 Dualsense controller. I tested this on Kubuntu, Manjaro, and Linux Mint and was extremely surprised that the game ran out-of-the-box; the […]


Bleachbit Wine Opera Chrome Dropbox VLC Player Skype
