Just a few days ago, Huawei revealed their Mate XT smartphone with stunning specs in regards to its custom SOC, camera, and tri-fold display. The famous veteran Hong Kong actor, Andy Lau even made a promotional video for it.

This device is likely going to be a China-only release due to sanctions and the massive price tag that’s about $2,800 USD.

The most impressive component of the device in my opinion would be the folding display mainly because it’s made by BOE, a leading/cutting edge display ODM with its majority shareholder being the Beijing State-owned Capital Management Center. To this day it really dumbfounds me that our leadership in the U.S. isn’t willing to take risks in investing or lending directly to companies like East Asian Countries such as Taiwan did with TSMC and South Korea with its chaebol in the last fifty plus years.

Overall, I just wish the typical American mindset wasn’t so fixed that the government is horrible in dealing with markets because of the potential opportunity cost of losing out on innovation and higher ROI for the nation.