Buyer Tips

  • Buy from sellers with established history & high ratings (98% or above)
  • Avoid cheap or items way below market from sellers that are relatively new or have limited selling history
  • Make sure to read sellers’ return policy; some have limited return periods such as 14 business days and some do not offer returns.
  • Take extra caution when buying goods from international sellers; although many offer returns, but you’ll probably be hit with a huge international shipping cost if you have to pay the return shipping costs.


Seller Tips

  • Select option where you block eBay buyers with more than 3 unpaid strikes
  • Take advantage of fast & free shipping label by set handling time from 0-2 days along with standard or above shipping time
  • Avoid cheapskates that try to drive your selling price down or haggle very low — many of these customers tend to be very hard to please & low-end, and can cause you a lot of headaches down the road (e.g. demanding full refund even though they’ve opened and used your product, leaving you a bad review, in extreme cases, claiming they’ve never received the item even though they did, etc; DO YOURSELF A FAVOR SAVE YOURSELF A HUGE HASSLE
  • On expensive and fragile items that you sell, be sure to purchase shipping insurance and signature confirmation — remember EBAY TENDS TO SIDE WITH BUYERS RATHER THAN SELLERS IN MOST CIRCUMSTANCES
  • Oftentimes, Fedex SmartPost is cheaper than USPS Priority Mail with the exception of flat rate envelopes & boxes in some cases; only drawbacks are that shipping times may be 1-2 days longer and you can’t track packages once Fedex transfers them to USPS