

The family of my friend Patricia was moving and needed to offload about thirty-five years worth of items. Since liquidating stuff on eBay, Craig’s List, OfferUp, and Amazon is a hobby of mine, I couldn’t resist taking all of that stuff. The experience was very eye-opening to say the least, and I had to make […]

Newspaper Fire
Newspaper Fire

Yesterday when I was venturing into Chinatown/International District in Seattle, there was a newspaper fire inside a vending machine when I arrived. I did not see who started the fire or know the cause behind it, but luckily nobody was hurt. A good samaritan did put it out, and other spectators did call the fire […]

Abandoned Lexus
Abandoned Lexus

While visiting a friend, he pointed me to a black abandoned Lexus in his apartment garage. It been sitting there for months accumulating much dust; various people wrote some “poetic slogans”‘. According to my friend, the vehicle was eventually towed away. Now looking back, that car more than likely may have been a stolen one
